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BORDA South Asia

BORDA South Asia facilitates projects for the provision of decentralized Basic Needs Services in India, Nepal and Bangladesh, with 8 partner towns, 4 implementing partners and 47 experts. The programs are primarily supported by the BMZ (German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development).

Since 2001, BORDA South Asia has concentrated on development-oriented cooperation projects and services in the field of improving Basic Needs Services (BNS) for Water and Sanitation sector. These projects, operating within the context of social-structure reform, are geared towards the development and dissemination of sustainable, decentralised service models, with the intent of improving the supply of Basic Needs Services in Water and Sanitation sector. Due to the particular focus on decentralised sanitation, including wastewater treatment and solid waste management, BORDA emphasises its efforts with the slogan: “Improved Sanitation for All”.

BORDA South Asia carried out these project activities in close cooperation with authorities (Central / State ministries and local governments), representatives of low-income settlements, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), and public facilities (schools, hospitals, and prisons).

As a part of our recent projects, BORDA South Asia is supporting small and medium sized towns to tackle the challenges arising due to unplanned urbanization in water and sanitation sector, by improving the infrastructure and service delivery of local government, municipalities, and other public utilities.

Service providers are capacitated and supported to design, implement, manage and scale-up key sustainable, innovative, and integrated urban water, sanitation and waste management services under the following mandates:

· Develop decentralised basic needs services on local government / municipal level

· Protect natural resources: Value renewable energy sources and recycling

· Develop capacity, know-how and facilitate technology transfer

· Advising sector policies – local to global level

· Provide technical expertise, global insights, and access to decision makers, to make a meaningful contribution in the form of knowledge, technology, and empowerment.

Snehit Prakash

Our contact person is at your disposal for questions and answers.

E-Mail: snehit.prakash@borda-sa.org
Phone:  + 917042269311

Borda Key

Aseem Acharya

Our contact person is at your disposal for questions and answers.

E-Mail: aseem@borda-sa.org
Phone:  + 919913830649