BORDA has been active in Laos since 2008. In 2013 the BORDA team in Laos began an ongoing cooperation with the Department of Housing and Urban Planning (DHUP), Ministry of Public Works and Transport (MPWT). Through this cooperation, several towns and provinces have developed demonstration projects that include decentralised wastewater treatment solutions (DEWATS) and Feacal Sludge Management solutions (FSM). As of now, BORDA´s DEWATS and FSM implementations do result in the treatment of more than 150.000 m³ of wastewater and fecal sludge each year.
Under the framework of BORDA’s Quality Management System for DEWATS which was successfully institutionalised at the Department of Housing and Urban Planning (DHUP) and its provincial Public Works and Transport Department, the DHUP and BORDA have developed a joint action plan that aims to improve environmental health and municipal sanitation service provision in communities, schools, hospitals and housing developments across Laos. A particular focus was set on building development in urban wastewater management, DEWATS integration and FSM, comprising training on planning, construction, and the legal framework.
BORDA in Laos is also working as a technical assistant for cooperation partners engaged in water and sanitation activities and provides support in project planning, technical design, construction supervision, capacity development, on-the-job trainings, and monitoring and evaluation. In this regard BORDA implemented projects for teh German Federal MInistry of Economic Development and Cooperation (BMZ), the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), Johanniter, UN-Habitat, the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank (ADB), the Lao government, as well as private sector organisations.
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