Faecal Sludge Management for Mali – Phase II
Official Project Title
“Phase II faecal sludge management for Mali”: Emptying inter-municipal latrines and decentralised wastewater treatment (DEWATS) for underserved communities in Mali
2022 – 2023
207.605,62 €
External project number
Person in charge
Africa / Mali: Boubacar Maiga
HQ: Alexander Wolf, Regional Coordinator
BORDA Mali, Bamako
The aim of the project is to improve wastewater disposal in rural and semi-urban municipalities through the supervised operation and maintenance of faecal sludge treatment plants and the testing of operating and economic models (STBV – Station de Traitement des Boues de Vidange). To achieve this, the following measures were implemented at 2 sites, Dioïla and Kita:
– Monitoring of the structural adaptations of the STBVs Dioïla and Kita.
– Commissioning and performance assessments of the faecal sludge treatment plants
– Training and workshops with the future operators (capacity building)
– Water and faecal sludge analyses of the STBV Dioïla
– Creation of a manual for co-composting Support with sanitation safety planning
– Training in maintenance and co-composting for staff in Dioïla and the daycare centre
The development and dissemination of decentralised sanitation facilities is seen as important and trend-setting for the further development of Mali’s water and sanitation sector. The project intervention fits in very well with the framework of the Malian decentralisation programme and the BMZ’s priorities for its involvement in Mali.
Faecal sludge management, co-composting, construction of infrastructure, capacity building,
commissioning, maintenance and performance assessment
Project status
Project end October 2023; final report submitted (Dec 2023)
Financial status
207,605.62 € expended