Fecal Sludge Treatment Emptying
South Asia

Integrated water management: a core task of services of general interest

Logo Borda South Asia

Official Project Title

Regional project South Asia: Integrated water management in urban areas as a core task of municipal services of general interest


BMZ, Title 687 03




3,000,000 €

External project number

2020 2620 1/BOR0008

Person in charge

India: Mr Stanzin Tsephel; Regional Director
HQ: Dr Alexander Wolf; Regional Officer


LEDeG – Ladakh Ecological Development Group (Leh, Indien); TIDE Technocrats (Bangalore, Indien); ENPHO – Environment and Public Health Organization (Kathmandu, Nepal)); Waste Concern (Dhaka, Bangladesch)
Municipalities: Leh & Kargil Ladakh Autonomous Hill Development Council (LAHDC); (Nordindien); Chintamani & Chikkaballapura (Karnataka, Südindien); Godawari & Kritipur (Nepal); Savar & Kushtia (Bangladesch)


Main objective (2018 – 2026): Water supply and wastewater disposal are a central task of public services of general interest for all people and are managed sustainably.

Project objective phase II (2021 – 2023): Improved municipal water and sanitation services are provided to disadvantaged citizens in eight small and medium-sized towns in India, Nepal and Bangladesh.

62,000 inhabitants of these communities are direct beneficiaries: This includes all people who, regardless of their economic status, are not or only insufficiently supplied with municipal water and sanitation systems. The beneficiaries also include the actors involved in water supply and wastewater disposal in the selected municipalities.

Instruments/measures used:

a.) Improved provision of infrastructure (integrated/decentralised solutions as pilot tests) and sustainable provision of services

b.) Strengthening the institutional and personnel capacities of the municipalities

c.) Improved guidelines and standards for the introduction of integrated/decentralised water and sanitation solutions

d.) Promotion of the water and sanitation agenda of small communities and the decentralised and integrated approach.


Education and advisory services, institutional strengthening, public services, publications, municipalities; BMZ Water Strategy, Sanitation Worker

Project status

Currently preparing the project application 2024-2026 and the evaluation (as of 06/2023)

Financial status

Annual budget €800,000 (2023)