Global Projects

Joint Project: The Humanitarian Sanitation Knowledge Hub

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Official Project Title

Joint Project: The Humanitarian Sanitation Knowledge Hub



Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation


November 2021 – October 2024


BORDA Share: up to USD 76.255,00

External project number


Person in charge

Tobias Ulbrich

Jutta Camargo


GTO and BORDA among others cooperate on the joint implementation of the project funded by Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF). The project is administered in BORDA’s Headquarter in Bremen, Germany


Seven organizations (BORDA, CAWST, Eawag, GTO, IHE Delft, Netherlands Red
Cross and Solidarités international), who are jointly active in the FSM TWiG,
decided to form a consortium and develop the SANIHUB. The consortium is
coordinated by the GTO.
The SANIHUB will help to close the knowledge and capacity gaps in faecal sludge
management and sanitation. It will make essential knowledge and the best exisiting
tools available in a structured and quality-assured manner. One example for this is
the integration of the Compendium of Sanitation Technologies in Emergencies. In
addition to various interactive online tools and an extensive knowledge database,
the hub will include a continuously and actively operated helpdesk for humanitarian
WASH practitioners.
Here you can find the link to the platform: Humanitarian Sanitation Hub


Sanitation Solutions, Humanitarian Context, Global WASH Cluster, Sanitation Project Cycle

Project status

Project is ongoing

Financial status

BORDA Share: up to 75.188,00 USD