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Sara Broda


Sara Broda
Phone: +49 421 40 89 52 32

Further information on the programme can be found here.

One World Promoters‘ Programme

More than 150 One World Promoters nationwide are committed to global justice and sustainable development. Promoters provide advice, support civil society organizations and initiate projects and campaigns with the aim to assert the interests of people in the global south. On a national level the programme is supported by the Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Eine Welt-Landesnetzwerke in Deutschland e.V. (agl, Association of One World Regional Networks in Germany e.V.). In the federal state of Bremen the programme is coordinated by the Bremer entwicklungspolitisches Netzwerk (BeN, Network of Development Politics of Bremen).

Promoter for the Environment, Climate and Water

The promoter advocates for global perspectives on the topics of climate change, energy production, consumption of resources as well as water supply and wastewater management. The goal is to promote networks among civil society organizations, to provide information and to design and implement various event formats and activities.

Activities in Bremen include networking with various environmental and development organisations, for example in the Bremen Water Forum, in order to raise the profile of local and global water issues in Bremen. In addition, information is provided on the topics of sanitation and wastewater disposal in a development policy context. In the area of climate, the promoter is committed to a global perspective on climate change, climate justice and greater awareness of the connection between water scarcity and the climate crisis.

Partners and Funding

The Promoters’ Programme is funded 60% by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development and 40% by the participating federal states. The share for Promoters in Bremen is covered by the Senatskanzlei (Senate Chancellery).

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