Clean Water & Sanitation NGO - Kratie Flooding 1 ESC BORDA 2019 1
Southeast Asia

Polycentric Approaches for Urban Water Resources

Logo Borda Southeast Asia

Official Project Title

Polycentric approaches to the management of urban water resources in South-East Asia




2017 – 2018 (Initiation Phase)


39.780 €

External project number


Person in charge

Frank Fladerer (Regional Director, SEA Indonesia),
Bernd Gutterer (Project Coordinator)
Abdurasul Kayumov (Regional Coordinator, HQ SEA


Project partners:
Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), City Alliance “People-Sanitation-Cities”, Habitat Unit of Technical University Berlin,
TH Köln – University of Applied Sciences, Vietnam Academy for Water Resources


Project aims at to the development of still lacking practical approaches that enable
rapidly growing cities in Southeast Asia to implement polycentric approaches to urban development and integrated, cross-sectoral water management – thus enabling the local implementation of the Agenda in a strategic field of urban development. It proposed to contribute to the strengthening of the resilience of cities and settlement with respect to water resources safety and climate change impacts.


New Urban Agenda (NUA), Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), polycentric
approaches, urban water resources management, resilience of cities and settlements, etc.

Project status


Financial status