Clean Water & Sanitation NGO - 152 Steckbrief Mali EN 2

Promoting sustainable food security in urban and rural areas of Mali

Logo Borda Africa

Official Project Title

Promoting sustainable food security in urban and rural areas of Mali


BMZ Kapitel 2310 Titel 89631


2016 – 2019 (21)


1,550 Million Euro

External project number

PN: 2015 01147

Person in charge

Agali s. MAIGA, ADAZ,
Fatoumata DIAW, Borda Bamako
Ahmed S. DiALLO
David DIETZ (HQ-Referent Commune Verte) Frank Lüdemann (HQ Referent Mali Nord)


Partner organizations include the NGO “Association pour le Développement en Zone aride” (ADAZ) in Timbuktu and Rharus, as well as the NGO “Harmonie pour le Développement au Sahel” (HDS) in Dogonland.

Partners in Bamako are the NGO “Reusir la Décentralization” (RLD), as well as the NGO PROTOS and other municipalities and actors connected via the DEGEREM network.

Target groups are local grassroots organizations of rural and urban municipalities


Locations: Timbuktu, Rharus, Bandiagara (Pays Dogon), Bamako

Objectives: Integrated sanitation services make a significant contribution to the establishment of viable and inclusive cities, thus improving the living conditions of low-income populations, protecting natural resources and adapting to climate change.


Commune Verte, Resiliency, adaptation of agricultural production to climate change, nutrient circulation, irrigation with rice cultivation, horticulture, pastoralism

Project status

Project completed

Financial status


Clean Water & Sanitation NGO - 152 Steckbrief Mali EN 1
Clean Water & Sanitation NGO - 152 Steckbrief Mali EN 3