Training Afghan stakeholders in sustainable sanitation and wastewater technology
Official Project Title
Vocational training of Afghan craftsmen and small entrepreneurs for the sustainable implementation of decentralized projects for basic sanitation and wastewater treatment
BMZ Titel 687 03 SSF
2016 – 2018
1.000.000 €
External project number
2015 2600 3/BOR0004
Person in charge
Alex Miller (Regional Director WESCA)
Thorsten Reckerzügl (HQ)
Civil society: ACT (Agency for Consulting and Training), ATVI
State partners: MUDA (Ministry for Urban Development Affairs), NEPA (National
Environmental Protection Agency) MoE (Min. of Education), MoLSA (Min. of Labor and
Social Affairs), AUWSSC (Water Authority)
The overall objectives of the project are to improve the living conditions of poor population groups, achieve sustainable economic development and protect natural resources in Afghanistan, particularly in the context of climate change. The funding instruments used include: educational and advisory measures, establishment and expansion of institutions, information and public relations work / publications and communication tools.
The target groups are poor residents of densely populated urban and periurban areas who have no or inadequate sanitation facilities, users of public facilities (e.g. schools, hospitals) and small business owners who pollute natural resources in an unacceptable manner due to inadequate wastewater treatment.
Capacity Development, Vocational Training, Pilot & Demonstration Projects
Project status
Project completed
Financial status